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Pharmacist Vaccination Laws


About this dataset:

Since the 1990s, there has been a growing movement to improve access to immunization services by giving pharmacists the authority to administer vaccines.

This map explores laws that give pharmacists authority to administer vaccines and establish requirements for third-party vaccination authorization, patient age restrictions, and specific vaccination practice requirements, such as training, reporting, record-keeping, notification, malpractice insurance, and emergency exceptions.

This is a longitudinal dataset, displaying laws across all 50 states and the District of Columbia between January 1, 1990 and January 1, 2016.

Cited By

Expanding state laws and a growing role for pharmacists in vaccination services

Journal of the American Pharmacists Association
Expanding state laws and a growing role for pharmacists in vaccination services
Cason D. Schmit & Matthew S. Penn

Authority of Pharmacists to Administer Human Papillomavirus Vaccine: Alignment of State Laws With Age-Level Recommendations

Public Health Reports
Authority of Pharmacists to Administer Human Papillomavirus Vaccine: Alignment of State Laws With Age-Level Recommendations
Deirdre A. Dingman & Cason D. Schmit

Rural/Urban Disparities in Pneumococcal Vaccine Service Delivery Among Fee-for-Service Medicare Population

Rural and Underserved Health Research Center
Rural/Urban Disparities in Pneumococcal Vaccine Service Delivery Among Fee-for-Service Medicare Population
Jeffrey C. Talbert, Aric Schadler & Patricia R. Freeman

Concierge Pharmacy: A Potential Arena for Senior Care Pharmacists

The Consultant Pharmacist
Concierge Pharmacy: A Potential Arena for Senior Care Pharmacists
Alexandra Cambra & Jeannette Wick

Immunizations at Wisconsin Pharmacies: Results of a statewide vaccine registry analysis and pharmacist survey

Immunizations at Wisconsin Pharmacies: Results of a statewide vaccine registry analysis and pharmacist survey
Philip C. Berce, et al.

Is the U.S. Ready to Quickly Vaccinate its Population Against COVID-19?

USC Leonard D. Schaeffer Center for Health Policy & Economics
Is the U.S. Ready to Quickly Vaccinate its Population Against COVID-19?
Jeff McCombs, et al.

Dataset Created by
Cason Schmit, JD and Allison Reddick, JD, MPH

Dataset Maintained by
Cason Schmit, JD and Allison Reddick, JD, MPH

Dataset Valid From
January 1, 1990

Dataset Updated Through
January 1, 2016

Total Jurisdictions Covered