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Complete Streets


About this dataset:

Roads in the United States are rarely developed with consideration for users other than motorists. This can result in dangerous conditions for pedestrians, bicyclists and users of public transit. Complete Streets policies seek to create safer roads by designing them to balance the needs and priorities of all users. These users typically include motorists, pedestrians, bicyclists and transit users. Complete Streets are often implemented through state or local transportation policies, state laws and regulations, or city ordinances. Complete Streets policies provide a framework to shift roadway infrastructure design to consider the needs of all users. These policies aim to ensure that streets are safe for all modes of transportation and accessible for everyone regardless of age or ability.

This dataset explores Complete Streets statutes, regulations, and policies in all 50 U.S. states and the District of Columbia. This dataset is valid through July 1, 2020.

This publication was created as part of the Promoting Health and Cost Control in States (PHACCS) Initiative in collaboration with Trust for America’s Health and supported by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. Click here for more information on PHACCS.

Dataset Created by
Policy Surveillance Program Staff

Dataset Maintained by
Policy Surveillance Program Staff

Dataset Valid From
July 1, 2020

Dataset Updated Through
July 1, 2020

Total Jurisdictions Covered

Cite this dataset

Center for Public Health Law Research (2020). "Complete Streets Policies." Accessed from

Center for Public Health Law Research (2020). “Complete Streets Policies”.
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